Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Gluten free grain free and almost added sugar free…

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Gluten free grain free and almost added sugar free. These are one of my favorite sweet treats to make. They are super easy and a great way to use up some old bananas! All you have to do to make these muffins is throw all the ingredients minus the chocolate chips in a blender and pour it in a muffin tin. Top with a few chocolate chips. Bake at 400F for 8 minutes. Each muffin has around 100 calories if you make 24 of them. A lot of these calories come from the peanut butter. You could certainly get creative and come up with some ways to reduce the amount of peanut butter if you are interested in being more calorie conscious. There are other nut/seed butters that are lower calorie but more expensive. Give these a try next time you have that are about to go bad by @themealprepmanual Source: healthyfoodadvice healthy drinks food nutritional recipes Healthy recipes party food ideas lean eating low carb n

Source by HealthFood24h

